Mexican Fiesta Party Games - Tips to Spice Up the chance

There are a few elements that are legitimately valuable if you're hosting a Mexican fiesta. Party games and Mexican food are among the most enjoyable - especially when you integrate the two!! Here are a few Mexican fiesta party game ideas to liven up your fiesta:

"Nachos-Eating Competition" Mexican Fiesta Party Game

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This Mexican fiesta party game is deliciously fun. Prior to the party, prepare a plate of nachos (or just corn chips and dip) and divide it among any bowls. Guests have to pair up, and take one bowl of nachos per team. One team-member stands behind the other, acting as their 'arms', and must feed the nachos to their partner. The first team to empty their bowl is the winner of this Mexican fiesta party game. This game could end up being Very messy, so it's a good idea to play it face and furnish players with 'bibs' to protect their clothes!!

Mexican Fiesta Party Games - Tips to Spice Up the chance

"Chilli-Pepper Challenge" Mexican Fiesta Party Game

Before the party, purchase a collection of chilli-peppers fluctuating in heat from mild to extremely hot. Guests start out by eating the mildest chillies, and if they can eat the whole chilli without needing a drink, they move onto the next hottest one. The game continues, with any player unable to eat a whole chilli (regardless of how hot it is!) or needing to drink, bowing out of the game. The last player standing - therefore the winner of this feiry Mexican fiesta party game - is the unofficial King or Queen of the Chilli-Pepper challenge!!

Whether they involve indulging in Mexican cuisine or not, Mexican fiesta party games are loads of fun and will legitimately add to your party and make it one to remember.

Mexican Fiesta Party Games - Tips to Spice Up the chance

Posted by admin on 9:51 AM


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