Tutorial: Justhost (Horrible) vs Bluehost (ok) vs Host Gator (Best) | Hosting Review and Experience

Tutorial: Justhost (Horrible) vs Bluehost (ok) vs Host Gator (Best) | Hosting Review and Experience Tube. Duration : 5.70 Mins.

$.01 HostGator: tinyurl.com use promo: youtubebonus after you have visited the link. Hey! So yea I have had a lot of experience with some crappy hosting companies and I wanted to let you guys know about those. Justhost (Just host) was the cheapest I found and was my first web hosting experience. It was also my least favorite. Bad customer service and bad reliability. Lunar pages/ Bluehost was solid and they had a real live customer support line that was over phone. (unlike the others). However my favorite web hosting and web hosting plan has been through Host Gator (Hostgator / Hostgator.com) Check out in my review of these hosting providers why I have chosen HostGator and always will stay with HostGator.

Tags: hostgator, sucks, blue host, hosting, web hosting, review, reviews, lunar pages, vs, versus, justhost, Justin, Atlantv

Posted by admin on 4:39 AM


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